Mission: to advance the health of the people of Wisconsin by supporting medical education and health initiatives.

Legacy Donors: The 1841 Society

On February 19, 1841, seven years before Wisconsin became a state, the Medical Society of the Territory of Wisconsin was established when territorial Governor Henry Dodge signed Act 53 of the Territorial Legislature into law. Its charge was to provide a set of scientific, professional and ethical standards individuals had to meet in order to care for the people of what would eventually become the state of Wisconsin.

That focus on medical education has remained a core value for the Wisconsin Medical Society throughout its 175-year history, and in 1954 the Society created the Foundation to enable physicians and other friends of the profession to support projects vitally affecting scientific medicine and public health. Today, through numerous programs and events, the Foundation strives to achieve two key goals:

  • To keep physicians in Wisconsin
  • To promote physician-led community-based projects to improve public health

The 1841 Society recognizes individuals who have included the Foundation in their will or other estate planning. These planned gifts help to provide a financially stable future for the Foundation.

Members of the 1841 Society may be invited to special activities and receive recognition, as desired, in the Foundation’s newsletter or annual report.

If you have already made a planned gift to support the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation, we invite you to join the 1841 Society by letting us know. To include the Foundation in your will, trust or other estate planning, speak with your tax advisor and provide them with the following information:

  • Legal name: Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation, Inc.
  • Federal Tax ID Number: 39-6045649


Enroll today!

  • Click here for the enrollment form.
  • Click here for a printable brochure.

If you would like more information about making a planned gift, email [email protected].



Legacy Donors are those who establish a named fund or endowment in the Foundation with a gift of $25,000 or more. The fund may be established with a single gift, with a pledge paid over time or through a bequest.


There are many different reasons why our Legacy Donors choose to establish a fund within the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation. Each donor has a unique background and goal, whether it is to honor the memory of a loved one or to give back to a profession that has given much. Our Legacy Pages strive to share the unique legacy each donor adds to the heritage of medicine by sharing their stories with award recipients and the general public.

Current Legacy Donors and their stories: (click on a name to view the Legacy Page)